
ARFID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder) sucks.
Below you can find a video of me explaining my experience of living with it and partially overcoming it.

you can also reach out and msg me, if you want, using the form below.
I am happy to talk to anyone suffering with ARFID or SED (selective eating disorder as it used to be known) or whatever you call it.

at the very bottom of this page I am going to start a food diary.

Contact Form

or just email


island salad

Score: 9/10 - very tasty - cooked peaches? who'd of thought?

then I ate a packet of crisps and some jaffa cakes later on


here is the closest recipe I can find

Score: 8.5/10 - this has become a staple for me

pic of food


Recipe: drizzle all the veg (except for tomatoes) in olive oil and season with salt, pepper and oregano
stick a clove of garlic in the corner of the casserole dish and then plonk the on the vine baby tomatoes on top
and drizzle a bit more olive oil on
then bung it in the oven for 45 mins

I would not of ate this a year ago as tomatoes were my sworn enemy but taking part in tomato challange
(tomato challange is my wife making me eat a bit of tomato every now and then)
ive gotten used to the taste and with these baby on teh vine tomatoes cooked I actually really like them!
we normally have onion inlcuded but i preferred it without

Score: 8/10 - This feels like a healthy dinner

pic of food
SNACKS: I had a babybell and some popcorn